As a child, I loved to indulge my self in the fantasy of Fairy Tales ... build my world around them. As time flew, in some corner of my mind they dwelled, and I forgot that the seed of my fantasy world was sown, and it would reap. My world became a reflection of my fairly tale stories compelling me to believe in a parallel world! But like every story has an end, I feared that mine would come to cease..and it did ...only to unfold itself into a beam of Reality . The child in me grew into an adult , witnessing the bitter truths of life, from the pain of sweet romance to a real marriage ...to being a mother ....yet striving to be an individual . Life, so full of Opportunities, is by default a CHOICE that one makes ..My story of fairly tales did come to an end, but brought me close to LIFE who with its every end brings about a NEW BEGINING!
And now..I still see a new story ( a world of fantasy ) in the eyes of my kids!.. wonder y mine came to an end? am I no longer a Child ...atleast at heart?
The child inside you never dies, and it never will...
You will always see your childhood in our kids.. and somewhere you will see your side of child with them too....
Your childhood and being a child with them would make them a better adult tomorrow...
All you have to wait and watch how the child in you makes you makes them a better human being....
I have seen u as a child,young beautiful lady,beautiful bride & now a lovely mother. The transformation is something everyone has to go through in life. Ur Fairly tale came to an end & got u close to life UR LOVELY FAMILY whom we all a proud of. MUST SAY VERY WELL EXPRESSED
Shyam ;-)
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